President Obama continues to experience opposition to his health care law.
Republican leaders in the House recently placed blame on the Democrat’s administration for health insurance cuts. The leaders specifically targeted President Obama in a letter that was sent to him.
In their letter, the Republicans described how they believe that the Affordable Care Act is cheating Medicare Advantage programs and takes away options for Americans who are enrolled. They explained that, “Your health care law will continue to destroy the options available to our seniors” unless an intervention is made. The legislators continued, “If you will not work with us to repeal the law and enact better solutions, we urge you to instruct Secretary Sebelius to develop a plan to address the devastating impact of these cuts.”
During the past year, the Obama Administration has been making cuts to the Medicare programs, a move that negatively impacts the health plan and benefits of senior citizens. Through their letter, the Republicans expressed their fears that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will undertake similar cuts when it announces the new rates for 2015 next week.
The legislators wrote, “Now is not the time to shortchange seniors’ choices. During debate over your health care law, the American people were promised that if they liked their health care plan they could keep it.” The Republicans noted that this claim “has proved false for millions of working families.” They added that the country’s senior citizens have been victimized as well.
Furthermore, the letter outlines some of the Republicans’ key frustrations. “These cuts, in addition to proposed rules issued by CMS, will force millions of American seniors to face higher health care costs or lose access to their doctor, their health plan, lifesaving drugs, and the benefits they’ve come to rely on.”
The result, the Republicans write, is clear. “Anger among the American people about the law has already escalated to unprecedented levels as a result of the harmful effects of the first few months of implementation.”
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