These bizarre stars were so remote that anyone living on a nearby planet would have looked up to find a black, starless sky.
Scientists have discovered three stars alone in the universe in the void of space, many light-years from any galaxy, that have exploded, and scientists are intrigued.
Berkeley researcher Melissa Graham, who authored the study, used the Hubble Space Telescope to examine the stars that have since exploded into supernovas, according to a UPI report.
Although the stars were spotted back in 2008 and 2010 using the telescope at Mauna Kea in Hawaii, researchers at the time couldn’t be certain if the stars were from a galaxy or on their own, but the new Hubble data proves that these are solitary stars that have drifted out into the darkest voids of space.
It would have been quite the sight if you were able to stand on one of those planets before the stars exploded and look up: because of their remoteness, there would have been no stars in the sky — save for the dim, fuzzy light of the largest and brightest cluster galaxies. Any planets circling the stars were surely destroyed by the explosions, of course.
The stars exploded into Type Ia supernovas, which happens when a larger stars absorbs the smaller star.
These stars probably departed from the galaxies they originally called home eons ago, and they were so distant that we almost certainly wouldn’t have spotted them were it not for the explosion and resulting supernova.
The findings have prompted Graham to plan more studies that would look for these solitary stars.
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