Mayim Bailik opens up about her faith and acceptance in acting community.
Big Bang star Mayim Bialik says she thinks it will never be popular to be religious in Hollywood. She spoke with Fox News in an interview recently and opened up about her beliefs.
The former child actress and star of Blossom, says she doesn’t think Hollywood is a friendly place for people who are outspoken about their faith, and she thinks it will never be “trendy” to be religiously observant. The actress says she knows people of faith in the area and that they congregate together.
Bailik, a follower of the Orthodox Jewish faith, has long been outspoken about her religion. She says she studies Jewish texts every week and she thinks a person of faith is a positive influence to her, adding that is something that stays with you all the time.
She also said she had gotten a lot of negative attention for a recent trip to Israel to visit a friend, who happened to be a member of the Israel Defense Force. She adds she is amazed by the amount of hatred she has received by simply saying she had made the trip.
The 39-year-old Bailik claims to be a “bleeding heart liberal” but says she is old-fashioned. She dresses modestly and last year used her blog to criticize Ariana Grande for posing in a scantily clad outfit for a billboard. The mother of two, says she doesn’t want her kids learning about sex from a billboard, and she had seem some ads that “really bug” her.
She also criticized the film Frozen, Disney’s hit animated film, in September of last year, which resulted in an attack on her by Rosie O’Donnell on The View.
The actress married Matthew Stone in 2003, but the couple divorced in 2012, after having two sons. She stepped away from an acting career long enough to earn a PhD in neuroscience before getting the part of Amy Farrah Fowler on popular CBS sitcom.
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