Bravo is leading the way in reality TV towards complete inclusivity by casting the Housewives first transgender cast member
Bravo’s Real Housewives of Atlanta will be joining ranks with other television channels of opening their doors to a more diverse cast.
Bravo has been reported to have cast openly transgender model Amiyah Scott taking their Housewives franchise to another level of total inclusivity and representation, according to Bustle.
As of this time, Bravo has not made any conclusive casting decisions regarding Scott’s role in the show. It is still not clear as to whether she will become a full-blown featured housewife or if she will come on in a recurring role on the cast.
But cameras are already rolling in Scott’s direction as she was recently seen filming with the RHOA cast at a recent event on Monday. This was her first time filming with the crew for the upcoming Season 8.
Scott’s presence on the show, no matter how prominent, will still mark a significant moment in Housewives history. Not only the show, but Bravo as well, has made increasingly progressive moves towards inclusivity in the industry that tends to cling to its decidedly exclusive, and outdated, model.
Although Bravo is a leader in the reality TV business, they have proven to lead the way for many marginalized voices and stories that demand an audience. Scott’s potential casting on the show is coming during a time in which a number of transgender stories are finally getting a voice both by already famous people and others who are speaking up for the community on a whole.
With an industry that is already plagued with close-mindedness and a lack of diversity, reality TV is truly an innovative platform for progression. Bravo and the Housewives franchise are one of many stepping up and leading the world in a direction of total inclusivity, hoping that others will follow closely on their heels.
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