The Center for Disease Control released a survey detailing negligence in proper eye contact hygiene.
A Centers for Disease Control survey reveals the majority of contact lens wearers aren’t properly maintaining them, risking potential for serious eye infections. The CDC mounted the study after outbreaks gripped several states. Researchers discovered that most people of the 40.9 million user-base disregard the instructions for proper handling. The findings were published in the agency’s Morbidity and Morality Weekly Report.
Researchers shared, “These findings have informed the creation of targeted prevention messages aimed at contact lens wearers such as keeping all water away from contact lenses, discarding used disinfecting solution from the case and cleaning with fresh solution each day, and replacing their contact lens case every 3 months.”
The CDC had nearly respondents to its Contact Lens Risk Survey. Of the study group, 82 percent came from women and 62 percent fell in the range of 18 to 40 years of age, and all of the participants were over 18 years old. Analysts also observed that the negligence might be worse because lens wearers under 18 years old weren’t factored into the study.
Questions were asked regarding specific habits that users engage in. Predominantly, 99 percent of the study’s members engaged in some type of risky behavior that could cause inflammation. Of the data, researchers found that 87 percent had snoozed in their contacts, 50 percent left them overnight, and 55 percent topped off old lens solution with new solution when disinfecting lenses. And, more than 82 percent of the study group wore their lenses beyond the designated prescription of lens-wear, while 49.9 percent waited to replace them.
Tap water, which is not commonly known to be extremely bad for contact lenses, was used by 35 percent of lens users for cleaning and 16 percent responded that they’d stored them in water for a period of time. Water is damaging to contact lenses because microorganisms in water that are safe drink aren’t safe for lenses.
The CDC has launched a vigorous campaign to promote better contact lens hygiene placing emphasis on keeping them away from water and replacing them when needed.
Source: UPI
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