Researchers have recently discovered hints that have led them to believe that at one time, life may have swirled around the galaxy the same way that a virus spreads like an epidemic now.
The theory is called panspermia and suggests that life was an “outbreak” that broke out across the galaxy. The theory is highly controversial and those that support it say that the seeds that planted the building blocks of our world came from a distant alien world, according to NYC Today.
Scientists at Harvard University are suggesting that if the search for alien life reveals that there are in fact other planets that are inhabited, that these planets’ allocation in the galaxy could be the solid clue that is proof of panspermia. They also added that there is absolutely no expectation of life on other planets being similar to that of Earth.
Harvard researchers Henry Lin and Abraham Loeb said that they would still have to figure out how to come up with a model of how life specifically spread from one planet to the next. And if the theory is proved to be true, it would mean that life started on a few planets that then spread through space to other worlds which means that those planets may still have life on them across a pattern in the galaxy, most likely in a spherical area without voids.
According to Lin and Loeb’s model, it would have been one planet’s life that extended out in every direction and take up roots when it came upon a livable planet orbiting an adjoining star and then eventually, multiple life-bearing communities spread throughout the galaxy.
“In our theory, clusters of life form, grow, and overlap like bubbles in a pot of boiling water,” said Lin of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, the lead author of the study.
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