A new study reveals that too much intake of vitamin D can lead to elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels in teenagers.
According to a new study conducted on Vitamin D and its relation to teenage cholesterol and triglyceride levels, extra doses of the vitamin substance caused more harm than good. Dr. Seema Kumar of the Mayo Clinic Children’s Center said there were no indicative benefits of taking extra doses even measured at long-term intervals. Researchers didn’t find meaningful improvements in body mass index, body weight, blood flow and blood pressure.
Despite the contrary mushrooming of evidence that supports vitamin D intake — from natural sunlight, food or nutritional supplements — giving especially an obese teenager extra vitamin D pills elevate his or her cholesterol and fat-storing triglycerides levels.
It’s been observed, however, that parents give their children vitamin D pills over the recommended dosage, sometimes upward to 10 times a day. Dr. Kumar declined for a comment in the proposed link between vitamin D deficiency and chronic diseases. She mentioned that her study only focused on cholesterol and triglycerides levels in teenagers.
She chose to administer the study to gather data for what constitutes increased risks for chronic diseases in healthy populations. Vitamin Dfactoredinto into her study because it’s been touted as a complementary or homeopathic treatment for obesity. Dr. Kumarsaid, “We’re not saying it’s bad to take vitamin D supplements at reasonable doses, and we know most obese teens are vitamin D deficient,” and she adds, “We’re just saying the jury is still out on how useful it is for improving overall health in adolescents.”
Additional specifics of the study are published in Pediatric Obesity Journal. The article even notes that nausea, poor appetite, vomiting and kidney malfunctions result if too much vitamin D is absorbed into the body. Taking too much of any kind of vitamin is toxic, which is known as hypervitaminosis.
Source: Pioneer News
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