Scott Walker has decided to take a harsher stance in order to regain momentum in the polls.
There is no doubt about it- Scott Walker is slipping in the polls.
“The poll shows Walker ahead with 25 percent, followed by Carson at 13 percent and Trump with 9 percent. Walker’s numbers have dropped from 40 percent in April — when he had not officially entered the race,” according to a poll of Wisconsin voters conducting by the Marquette Law School.
Worse still, the poll indicates that Walker trails Hilary Clinton by over ten points.
Nationally, he averaging only 7.7 percent among Republican candidates. Where once he was considered second only to Jeb Bush, now Walker is tied for fourth place with Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.
There are many ways to combat this dire news. Walker could blame the likes of Donald Trump for instance. Or, he could amp up his campaigning. Walker has chosen to do the latter.
“I think before I was trying to be respectful of other candidates,” said Walker after a town hall meeting Wednesday in New Hampshire. “I feel a sense of urgency, (people) want to see it, they want to feel it, and so we’ve started to articulate that.”
Walker is now positioning his campaign to the hard right, drawing clear distinctions between himself and the other candidates.
In a direct challenge to Ted Cruz, Walker now promotes the harshest stance on immigration in an attempt to tap into Republican voters anger and frustration.
While this strategy has worked for Donald Trump, it could very well backfire for a more serious candidate.
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