A new report has found "stubbornly' low levels of global Internet access, especially in poorer countries.
Putting your Comcast struggles in perspective, a new report from the United Nations’ Broadband Commission estimates three-fifths of the global population–roughly 4.2 billion people–still do not have even basic access to the Internet.
CBSNews reported the new findings on Tuesday. The study found that least developing countries, or LDC, had the poorest rate of connectivity, with only 1 in 10 people had Internet access. They also found that a strong and difficult to overcome gender divide still exists, with men having more access in general.
“The digital divide is proving stubbornly persistent in terms of access to broadband Internet,” the study wrote. “It is increasingly vital to extend access to digital education services, new capabilities, culture, entertainment, healthcare, financial and commercial services, along with training and education.”
The report called upon public and private sectors to work together to come up with policies and plans to ensure universal access, even to remote and rural parts of the globe. They also emphasized the Internet must be made affordable and sustainable.
Several private companies have already announced plans to try to “connect the world.” Facebook has an idea to use solar-powered drones to bring Internet to new places. SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk is also thinking aerial, considering using small satellites to connect people.
Whatever ends up working, it is clear those dealing with slow speeds on their established Internet may need to be grateful to simply have speed at all.
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