Samsung isn't likely to be bothered with this ruling.
Samsung, maker of the super-popular Galaxy smartphone, has been banned by a court from selling smartphones — yes, you read right.
But there’s no need to panic. The ban only applies to a handful of some of its older smartphones, and you can’t buy those anymore anyway.
Why did this happen at all? It’s the latest in a massive and seemingly forever ongoing legal fight between Apple and Samsung, as one side snipes at the other over copyright issues in the high-stakes smartphone game, using the courts to do their warfare as well as the marketplace, according to a CNET report.
U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh granted Apple a permanent injunction against devices that use technology from patents they own and that Samsung was determined to be violating. So that means you won’t be able to get your hands on the Admire, Galaxy Nexus, Galaxy Note, Galaxy Note 2, Galaxy S2, Galaxy S2 Epic 4G Touch, Galaxy S2 Skyrocket, Galaxy S3, and Stratosphere, unless you get them second-hand. Of course, with Samsung working on the Galaxy S7, it’s unlikely you’ll miss those phones.
But those phones were certainly important to the rise of the Galaxy platform, particularly the S3, which sent Samsung to the top of the market when it was introduced in 2012.
Apple also won a $119.6 million jury verdict against Samsung back in May of 2014, chump change to the multi-billion-dollar companies but a symbolic victory for Apple, which has been losing market share to Samsung due to the Galaxy’s surge in popularity.
The patents Samsung was found to have infringed upon included quick links, slide-to-unlock, and automatic word correction.
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