A newly formed star is putting on quite a light show in the sky.
A newly formed star is putting on a dazzling light show some 500 light years away.
The star, called HD 97300, is located in the southern constellation of Chamaeleon Complex, and is reflecting off the cosmic clouds of dust particles that envelope the star, a reflection nebula called IC 2631, according to a Fox News report.
It is creating a spectacular swirling blue appearance when viewed from European Southern Observatory’s La Silla Observatory in Chile.
HD 97300 is a very young star in a region full of them. Scientists think that there are loads of stars being formed in this dark nebulae, as it is so chock full of star-making material that it prevents starlight in the background from getting through.
Sadly, HD 97300’s light show isn’t destined to last. It is a T Tauri star, and is at one of its earliest stages where it is visible. As it matures, it will begin to get smaller and less vibrant.
“The glowing region in this new image from the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope is a reflection nebula known as IC 2631,” according to a statement on the discovery from the European Southern Observatory. “These objects are clouds of cosmic dust that reflect light from a nearby star into space, creating a stunning light show like the one captured here.
“These fledging stars already have surface temperatures similar to their main sequence phase and accordingly, because T Tauri-phase objects are essentially jumbo versions of their later selves, they look brighter in their oversized youth than in maturity,” the statement continues. “They have not yet started to fuse hydrogen into helium in their cores, like normal main sequence stars, but are just starting to flex their thermal muscles by generating heat from contraction.”
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