If you're worried about cholesterol in eggs, this study could change how you think about them.
Eggs certainly are delicious, but are they safe for your heart? A new study has come to a surprising conclusion.
Researchers have found that eggs may have an undeserved reputation for being unhealthy due to its high cholesterol levels, according to a HealthDay News report.
Researchers out of Finland tracked dietary habits in 1,000 middle-aged men for 20 years. All of them were relatively healthy, and a third carried the APOE4 gene, which increases sensitivity to dietary cholesterol.
The study didn’t find any link between dietary cholesterol and poor heart health, although they weren’t able to show conclusively that there wasn’t a significant impact on cardiovascular disease from dietary cholesterol.
The participants in the study consumed an average of 398 milligrams of dietary cholesterol per day, although no one ate more than one egg per day on average (an egg tends to have about 200 mg of cholesterol). After 21 years, 230 of the men had a heart attack, but it didn’t appear to have any connection to how many eggs they at or their overall cholesterol consumption.
That doesn’t mean there’s no link between eating cholesterol and heart attacks, but it does indicate that perhaps the supposed risks of eating eggs is overblown, and certainly not worth trading out all its positives, like high protein value.
“The findings suggest that a high-cholesterol diet or frequent consumption of eggs do not increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases even in persons who are genetically predisposed to a greater effect of dietary cholesterol on serum cholesterol levels,” a statement from the University of Eastern Finland reads. “In the highest control group, the study participants had an average daily dietary cholesterol intake of 520 mg and they consumed an average of one egg per day, which means that the findings cannot be generalised beyond these levels.”
The findings were published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
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