"Google Posts" aims to connect presidential candidates to people who search for them -- and they could expand it way beyond that.
In what might prove to be a controversial move for Google, the search giant is now implementing “Google Posts,” which will allow celebrities and promoters to post their content right in your search results.
At its homepage of www.google.com/posts, Google is advertising it as a way to “hear directly from the US presidential candidates in real time on Google.”
“Every day millions of people search on Google, many of whom are looking for information about the upcoming presidential elections,” the site states. “Now there’s a way for users to hear directly from the candidates they’re searching for in real time on Google.”
In addition, presidential candidates will be able to communicate with text, images, and videos directly on Google, and this will instantly appear when someone searches for the candidate.
It’s an experimental feature that is only available to 2016 U.S. presidential candidates, but it’s not hard to imagine that Google is weighing the possibility of letting celebrities and promoters to market directly to people in search results. The site even admits as much: “In the future, we plan to make it available to other prominent figures and organizations.”
The site also includes an invitation to click a blue “Join the Waitlist” button if you’re interested in having the opportunity to be one of those people.
The form that follows on the next page only asks for your name, email address, and “additional notes.” It adds: “Please complete this form if you are interested in getting access to this new feature in search.”
The full text of the site is below:
An experimental new podium on Google
Hear directly from the US presidential candidates in real time on Google.
Every day millions of people search on Google, many of whom are looking for information about the upcoming presidential elections. Now there’s a way for users to hear directly from the candidates they’re searching for in real time on Google.
Publish on Google
US presidential candidates can now communicate with text, images and videos directly on Google. Creating content is fast and simple, and once published, posts will appear instantly in search results related to the candidate. Each post can also be shared on popular social networks, amplifying the message even further.
Join the Waitlist
Currently, this feature is an experiment that is only available to the 2016 US presidential candidates. In the future, we plan to make it available to other prominent figures and organizations. If you’re interested, please join the waitlist.
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