The latest development from Bungie shows a big departure for the company.
Destiny’s upcoming expansion “Rise of Iron” marks a very big move by Bungie.
A few days before E3, Bungie stated that the content wouldn’t be coming to the PlayStation 3 or the Xbox 360, which the company called “legacy consoles,” indicating all future development will be exclusively for PS4 and Xbox One, according to a SlashGear report.
Bungie has recently released new details on Destiny and how it will interact with the older consoles, and what gamers can do to transition. PS3 and Xbox 360 owners will still be able to play Destiny even after Rise of Iron gets released in the fall. But multiplayer events Trial of Osiris and Iron Banner will no longer be accessible ont he older consoles, and one of the vendors that sells rare exotic gear won’t be available to sell armor and weapons.
Also, once this transition happens in August, character progression will go from being shared on both consoles to being split into two parallel paths, one for the older console and one for the newer one.
The statement is below:
Destiny on Legacy Consoles
20h –
Destiny: Rise of Iron will be available exclusively on current generation consoles – PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. From here on out, we’ll be referring to the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 as Legacy Consoles. If you’re using a Legacy Console to play Destiny, you’ll first need to upgrade your console.
Our goal is always to bring every player from this awesome community along for the ride as we continue the story of Destiny, but we will also continue to support players who elect not to upgrade their console hardware. To accompany the reveal of Rise of Iron, the Destiny Player Support team has published a suite of information to guide those players. Up to this point, player progression between current and Legacy Consoles in the same family has been shared by each account. This summer, that experience will fork onto two separate paths that will no longer share progression.
In the coming weeks, we’ll provide more information on the impending deadlines for this conversion. To learn more about how you can import a player from a Legacy Console to a current console, read the Guided Support pages. The Legacy Console Guided Support covers the following:
Destiny Events and Activities Availability
Changes to Eververse Trading Co. and Silver Purchases
Legacy Console FAQ
Upgrading from a Legacy Console
If you have other questions, talk to us on the #Help forum.
We’ll hope you’ll accompany us on the next leg of the journey.
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