The condition prevents the singer from performing like he used to
Robbie Williams revealed that a bad case of arthritis is preventing him from dancing in live performances. The 42-year-old musician also has difficulties playing football as the common condition is affecting his lower back.
He shared with the Evening Standard newspaper: “I’ve got arthritis in my back so I can’t put my foot through a ball. I have very tight hamstrings, barely existent calves. I dance like a drunk dad at a wedding. But I’ve got to do something to fill the time on stage.”
And the former Take That member couldn’t have shared the news at a better moment, as World Arthritis Day takes place on October 12, 2016. The occasion encourages sufferers to live a successful life and share stories that could help others throughout the world.
Meanwhile, the Angels hitmaker – who once battled heavy drug addiction – thanks his family for helping him overcome all obstacles. The artist is a father to two young children and lives happily with his wife Ayda.
He added: “Having kids has completely focused my attention away from my neuroses and addictions. My life is tenfold better for it. Daddy goes to work and it all makes sense. This is my job. It’s not a normal job. And having children has made it all make sense.”
Robbie, who recently released the single Party Like a Russian, says he doesn’t know how his new music will be received by long-time fans and new listeners.
“About six weeks ago, I was in Los Angeles and I was hearing about people really finding it difficult to break into the top 40. Pop stars that are much more relevant than me, struggling. I was like, ‘God, I’m f***ed! If they can’t get in, how the f**k am I going to get in?’ Because the rules have changed. It’s all about streaming — my audience doesn’t stream. Which means the singles charts are a bit f***ed for me.”
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