Storyline Online’s digital library of 30 videos features actors including Betty White, Annette Bening and Kevin Costner reading a wide variety of authors, themes and topics.
Allison Janney, Ed O’Neill and Christian Slater star in three new, free streaming videos that went live on the SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s Storyline Online website (storylineonline.net) and social channels (@StorylineOnline) yesterday. Storyline Online, the Foundation’s children’s literacy program, streams short and imaginatively produced videos featuring celebrated actors reading quality children’s literature alongside creatively produced illustrations. Storyline Online is available for free, 24 hours a day for children, parents and educators worldwide and receives over 7.3 million views every month.
The newest set of videos features Allison Janney reading Carla’s Sandwich by Debbie Herman (youtu.be/M-aceEquCtY), Ed O’Neill reading How I Learned Geography by Uri Shulevitz (youtu.be/1OPrLwTOq7I) and Christian Slater reading The Coal Thief by Alane Adams (youtu.be/ANZ0P4Edfd8).
Professional actors are natural storytellers. Storyline Online’s digital library of 30 videos features actors including Betty White, Annette Bening and Kevin Costner reading a wide variety of authors, themes and topics. Through Storyline Online, these compelling readers help inspire a love of reading and spark imaginations all over the world.
“The SAG-AFTRA Foundation is grateful to Allison Janney, Ed O’Neill and Christian Slater for bringing these three beautiful children’s stories to life and donating their time to further Storyline Online’s mission in promoting literacy for children and English-language learners across the globe,” said SAG-AFTRA Foundation President, JoBeth Williams.
Since 1985, the SAG-AFTRA Foundation has provided 6200 free educational workshops, panels and screenings to union performers nationwide, and its children’s programs continue to bring the love of reading to more than 160 million children worldwide.
To watch SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s Storyline Online video series, visit YouTube.com/storylineonline.
Keep up with all of the stories! Follow @StorylineOnline on Twitter and /StorylineOnline on Facebook.
About the SAG-AFTRA Foundation
In 2016, the SAG-AFTRA Foundation celebrates 31 years of giving back to the professionals of SAG-AFTRA, their families and communities. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides vital assistance and free educational programming to the professionals of SAG-AFTRA while serving the public at large through its signature children’s literacy programs. The Foundation, independent of SAG-AFTRA, relies solely on support from gifts, grants and sponsorships to maintain its free programs. Visit sagaftra.foundation.
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