An incredible sight has just been witnessed on the surface of Saturn's largest moon is proving to be mind-boggling.
Scientists have spotted and recorded something on Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, that is truly an incredible sight to behold. NASA has released imagry from its Cassini spacecraft that shows huge clouds of methane moving across the northern regions of the moon, indicating a fascinating atmosphere on the cosmic body that is one of the most closely studied in our solar system.
The video below depicts a period from Oct. 29 through the 30th. You can see several sets of clouds develop and move over the surface before fading over a period of 11 hours. There is 20 minutes between each frame.
These time-lapse movies are for more than just curiositys sake. They allow scientists to watch how these clouds develop, and it can also help scientists distiguish actual clouds or fog from typical noise, like cosmic rays.
Scientists believe that Titan’s climate allows for more cloud activity during its early northern summer, but we have a lot to learn about the seasons of this fascinating moon.
“Several sets of clouds develop, move over the surface and fade during the course of this movie sequence, which spans 11 hours, with one frame taken every 20 minutes,” the NASA statement reads. “Most prominent are long cloud streaks that lie between 49 and 55 degrees north latitude. While the general region of cloud activity is persistent over the course of the observation, individual streaks appear to develop then fade. These clouds are measured to move at a speed of about 14 to 22 miles per hour (7 to 10 meters per second).
“There are also some small clouds over the region of small lakes farther north, including a bright cloud between Neagh Lacus and Punga Mare, which fade over the course of the movie. This small grouping of clouds is moving at a speed of about 0.7 to 1.4 miles per hour (1 to 2 meters per second).”
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