The star also shares the possibility of having more children
Tamara Ecclestone – who has a two-year-old daughter with spouse Jay Rutland – revealed she is often overwhelmed with tears and emotions.
These feelings, however, are far from negative. The star has explained she is so happy with her professional and personal life that she can’t help but break down on occasion.
Tamara, who also praised her young daughter, explained: “The last time I cried was probably today. I cry all the time because I’m happy and really content.
Sophia can do the tiniest thing like hug me or say something funny and it will set me off.”
And while the star is quite happy with her family life, she has no plans on having more children any time soon.
She stated: “I’m still breastfeeding Sophia, check out my saggy boobs.
I don’t feel ready for another baby at the moment because I want to give her all my attention. Maybe when she goes off to school.”
Tamara also shared how becoming a mom has changed her over time, revealing she hardly ever drinks and parties anymore.
The brunette beauty recently explained: “Since having Sophia, my life has turned completely around for the better. I wouldn’t swap it for the world.
I don’t miss anything about my old life. There can be a lot of fake behavior and hangers-on, but, with Sophia, I have pure, unaffected love.
She doesn’t want anything else from me. I don’t have a nanny – being a hands-on mum is something I love.
I hardly even drink any more. I have friends over to my house if I want to catch up with anyone.”
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