It's a significant development for one state that could provide a blueprint for others for gradual acceptance of marijuana.
A major new law in one U.S. state could have major implications in the battle to make marijuana legal nationwide. A senator in the state of Florida on Thursday has reportedly proposed a bill that would call for more marijuana licenses and make it easier for doctors to provide cannabis treatment for their patients.
Sen. Rob Bradley, who helped pass medical marijuana laws in 2014 and last year, has proposed a bill that could result in another 20 marijuana operators, which would triple the amount current licensed. It would also end the requirement that doctors treat patients for at least 90 days before ordering marijuana for them, and it would expand the amount of marijuana supplies a patient could purchase.
A recently passed constitutional amendment, approved by 71 percent of Florida voters, would allow doctors to order marijuana as a treatment for patients suffering from a variety of ailments, including cancer, HIV, AIDS, glaucoma, epilepsy and post-traumatic stress disorder, to name a few.
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