The Badlands made a string of tweets on climate change, before they were all suddenly deleted.
Badlands National Park is a rugged, remote area in South Dakota known for its buttes, spires and grass prairies. But more recently, it’s become known as the national park willing to tangle with President Donald Trump.
The Trump Administration placed a gag order on the Environmental Protection Agency, shuttering its Twitter feed, and dismantling any pages with climate change information. But the Badlands ignored that decree, sending out a string of tweets on Tuesday that were eventually deleted – but not before the park had suddenly seen an increase in followers from 7,000 to nearly 10 times that figure.
Followers were able to capture a number of screenshots of the tweets before they were deleted. They focused ona range of climate issues, like ocean acidification and the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Authorities think that the tweets may have been posted by a former employee at the park who still had access to the account, according to a Washington Post report.
Donald Trump has claimed that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese, and has vowed to dismantle efforts to combat the global phenomena.
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