A surprising new study comes to a remarkable conclusion about the sex lives of gay people as they compare to other types of couples.
A big new study put out by researchers at multiple universities have found some surprising things about gay people, as well as straight and bisexual couples. Researchers from Indiana University, the Kinsey Institute and Chapman University have examined 52,000 American adults and found that gay people are a lot more satisfied in the bedroom than straight women, but straight men are more satisfied than all people.
It reinforces the well-known “orgasm gap” theory, but this study goes farther by showing just how huge this gap is. The gulf between straight men and straight women is astonishing, as are indications that gay couples are remarkably satisfied compared to straight women. The journal Archives of Sexual Behavior is behind publishing the study.
Men of all groups were more satisfied than women, with heterosexual men reporting that 95 percent of the time, they were satisfied after sex, followed by gay men (89 percent) and bisexual men (88 percent). Lesbian women were up there as well with 86 percent, but then the rate plunges to 66 percent for bisexual women and 65 percent for straight women.
David A. Frederick, lead author of the study and assistant professor of psychology at Chapman University, told the Chicago Tribune that there has been a lot of research on orgasm frequency, but not much data that shows how gender and sexual orientation are tied in with how often someone orgasms.
“There are actually multiple orgasm gaps,” he said in the report. “The gap between all men and all women — meaning all groups of men orgasm more frequently than all groups of women — the gap between lesbian women and heterosexual women, and the gap between lesbian women and all men.”
One big factor in whether a woman orgasms: oral sex. The study found that women who received oral sex were far more likely to orgasm than those who did not. The second strongest predictor is the length of the sexual encounter.
Frederick said: “Of the women who usually-to-always orgasm, 45 percent had explicitly asked for something they wanted in bed in the past month. Among women who never-to-rarely orgasm, 25 percent had asked for something they wanted in bed in the last month.”
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