She's supposedly predicted 9/11 and the rise of ISIS, and now she has two predictions for 2018, more than 20 years after her death.
A Bulgarian named Baba Vanga, who died at the age of 85 in 1996, has been known across the world for her predictions that have become a favorite of conspiracy theorists. And she has two predictions that are set to come true in 2018 that has some circles of the Internet talking excitedly.
Vanga has been credited with predicting the Boxing Day tsunami, the rise of ISIS, 9/11, and many other world events. She’s been nicknamed the Nostradamus from the Balkans. Her new predictions in 2018 are that China will become a world superpower, and that we will find a new source of energy on Venus.
The China prediction is actually a little late, and we will be sending a spacecraft near Venus that will launch in 2018, but its primary focus is the sun and it will only use Venus as a gravitational launching pad.
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