The popular comedian just savaged people who believe in a Flat Earth with a tweet that suggests he thinks more highly of the religious.
Ricky Gervais is not one to hold back, as anyone who have ever witnessed him perform can attest to. He’s savaged celebrities at the Golden Globes and taken aim at the religious, but in his latest tweet missive, he’s taken aim at the sudden weird popularity of Flat Earth theories.
As the name implies, Flat Earthers reject all the photos and videos and eyewitness accounts and science that prove to us that the Earth is a sphere orbiting the sun. They claim that in reality, the Earth is a flat disc and the sun and stars rotate above us not all that far away.
Gervais didn’t mince words in his tweet, suggesting that he doesn’t think Flat Earthers even taken themselves seriously. “I believe that some people really believe that a god made the universe. And I believe that some people really believe there is an afterlife. But I don’t believe that some people really believe the Earth is flat. It seems like attention seeking. Hipster Ignorance.”
So as little as Gervais thinks about the religious, he’s even more dismissive of those who think the Earth is flat. Perhaps the phrase “hipster ignorance” will catch on?
“Much of the experimental evidence for a flat earth is provided by Dr. Samuel Birley Rowbotham, a 19th century lecturer who traveled the isles of Britain giving lectures at many prominent universities of the day,” the Flat Earth Society’s website states. “His experimental evidence is very easily reproducible and requires only access to a long body of standing water and a little trig to conclude that water is not convex, that the surface of the earth does not curve as round earth doctrine mathematically predicts. Other experiments require only a stick and a plumb line. Each of the experiments are described in full in the flat earth literature.”
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