The launch by SpaceX of the massive Falcon Heavy rocket has one Flat Earther claiming that it is all an elaborate hoax.
You would think that Justin Harvey would be a believer in space travel and a round Earth by now, considering he lives in Orlando and was able to see SpaceX’s launch of the Falcon Heavy rocket from his home recently. But he totally rejects all of it and has bought into an insane conspiracy theory where SpaceX is specifically recruited by the government to fool the world.
Harvey, 30, believes that the Earth is flat and therefore Falcon Heavy is a giant hoax. He thinks they are designed to distract people from the strange lands that exist outside of the ring of ice that he think surrounds the flat disk that is the Earth, and people like SpaceX founder Elon Musk are willfully complicit.
“I thought, there’s another typical rocket launch, I’ve seen plenty of them. I didn’t think too much of it,” he told Metro US.
“Was he picked up as his PayPal thing, and then groomed into being the so-called first civilian space agency to try and take some pressure of of nasa and make it seem like we are progressing with civilian space travel?” he continued, according to Metro US. “I think that may be the case.”
So what happened to the rocket? Harvey thinks that it simply curved over the Atlantic Ocean and then was dumped into the water. He also believes that the government recruited Musk from PayPal, his former company, to run SpaceX and fool the world.
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