It has been 20 years since the "little blue pill" was first introduce to treat erectile dysfunction, and it has changed sex as we know it.
If you think you know the story of Viagra, you have absolutely no idea. Viagra is back in the news because it officially tunred 20 years old, as of March 27, and the legendary history behind the little blue pill is not to be missed.
Take the legend of how it even got started. According to one report by the Sydney Morning Herald, it all started in 1983 when a physician injected his penis with a chemical to make it erect, and then dropped his pants to show the results to all the absolutely shocked doctors on hand at a urological conference. You could hear a pin drop, as one urologist said.
It would not be another 15 years until Viagra was officially approved to treat male erectile dysfunction on March 27, 1998, and now it has been 20 years since mass production began of the miracle drug for male impotence. It certainly got a little marketing boost since it was released right around the time of the Monica Lewinsky-Bill Clinton sex scandal. And even weirder, Clinton’s opponent in the 1996 presidential election, Bob Dole, became a pitchman for the drug.
It is all part of the stunningly strange story of Viagra, which has become an incredible pharmaceutical success story that men who struggle in the bedroom rely on. It has even earned a nickname, “the little blue pill.”
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