A remarkable photo has conspiracy theorists claiming a carved image of an ancient warrior woman, although that is very unlikely.
We finally have proof that aliens once lived on Mars, claim conspiracy theorists, and it is from this photo clearly depicting a carved image of an ancient warrior race that once lived on Mars. Or, it is just another oddly shaped rock, if you want to believe any scientist you ask about it.
The latest images from NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover caught the attention of Internet sleuths, who claims to have spotted a strange looking statue that looks like the head of some warrior woman. The “statue head” was found in the Gale Crater, where the Curiosity rover is currently conducting its research.
“I have found what seems to be a small feminine looking statue head on Mars in Gale Crater in this recent Curiosity Rover image from NASA. Only a few inches in size or less. It resembles a carved depiction of a female warrior wearing a helmet similar to some found on Earth from the Middle Ages,” Joe White, a space video journalist from Bristol, UK, said according to news reports. “It has a possible emblem on the forehead and some very interesting facial features that look almost Egyptian in artistic style. This is one of hundreds of similar artefacts that I have found on Mars in recent years and may go further to show that there was an ancient and artistic civilisation on Mars in the past.”
Of course, this is not the first time conspiracy theorists claim to have seen alien design in rather mundane geological features. There are literally dozens of other images where Martian believers have extrapolated an alien cause for what can easily be explained as natural variation in rocks.
In reality, scientists do not believe that there was ever any intelligent life on Earth. Scientists are hoping to discover evidence that some form of life once existed on the Red Planet, but it would be in basic, microbial form.
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