A worrying new poll shows that a huge chunk of Americans either buy into a "flat Earth" or at least have their doubts.
An astonishing new YouGov poll found that believing that the Earth is flat is not as rare as you might think, with 2 percent of Americans believing in something that was debunked literally hundreds of years ago. Even more interestingly, the poll also offered a possible explanation on why there is such a surge in popularity in believing in a flat Earth, with the majority of those buying into the idea describing themselves as “very religious.”
Religion appears to be driving a lot of this new popularity in the Flat Earth theory, as it once again places Earth and therefore mankind back at the center of the universe rather than leaving it as a tiny spec drifting in a vast universe of mostly nothingness. The poll surveyed 8,215 Americans and found that 52 percent placed themselves in the “very religious” category.
If you add those who are “somewhat religious,” that number surges to 75 percent, with just 17 percent of adherants describing themselves as not religious at all. Perhaps most disturbingly of all, the poll shows that only 84 percent of people said that they “always believed the world is round,” and 7 percent who don’t place themselves in either category are skeptical or have doubts about their beliefs, and another 7 percent said “not sure” or “other.”
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