Some fossils found in South Africa may belong to amphibians that gave rise to land-based creatures hundreds of millions of years ago.
Scientists make a big discovery on Mars
Researchers have found evidence of organic molecules, raising the potential that ancient life once existed on the Red Planet.
Sensitive detectors discover size limit of dark matter particles
Scientists have now determined that the effective size of dark matter particles contain a smaller dimension in measurement.
Merging neutron stars possibly led to the birth of the lowest mass black hole
Colliding neutron stars may have led to a baby black hole, reveals NASA scientists.
NASA spacecraft captures evidence of frozen methane dunes on Pluto
A new study reveals Pluto’s dune systems contain wind-blown grains of frozen methane with possible remnants of nitrogen ice.
Defective NOAA weather satellite transmitted remarkable Earth images
NOAA has released an impressive time-lapse of Earth’s Western Hemisphere, comprised of still images taken by GOES-17.
Dawn spacecraft dropping to record low altitude at Ceres
Dawn is descending into its final, lowest-ever orbit around the dwarf planet Ceres, 10 times lower than its ever been before.
NASA’s Mars Helicopter to fly on first-time Rover Mission
NASA is preparing to send a helicopter to Mars as its first heavier-than-air vehicle flight over the red planet.
NASA discovers neutron star outside Milky Way galaxy
The agency has found a “neutron star” about 200,000 light years from Earth, with a probability to demonstrate the lowest mass black hole recorded.
NASA protective bubble probe launch scheduled for 2024
Researchers plan to study the heliosphere through NASA’s fifth mission, Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP)